Biophilia and Sustainability
We have numerous trees planted. Some are on the red list (endangered) by IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature), such as warbugia ugandensis. Our walkways are a botanical and culinary delight, rosemary, purslane, aloes, pomegranates and fruit gardens.
Equal opportunity employment afforded to local community
We apply the principles of SLOW_LIFE for wellness and health:
SLOW_LIFE (Sustainable, Local, Organic, Wellness_ Learning, Innovation, Fun, Experience)
We apply:
Renewable clean energy (Use of Solar for indoor and street lighting, hot water systems, Wind, Bio-gas and hybrid storage)
Use of photovoltaic glass
Back-up genset that starts with diesel and continues with biogas
Permaculture, Permaculture design and regeneration
Water management
We currently support field studies by JKUAT, JICA, MOE, Bright Project Japan and Institute of Energy Japan
Biophilic Design is an innovative way of designing the places where we live, work, and learn. We need nature in a deep and fundamental fashion
The biophilia hypothesis also called BET suggests that humans possess an innate tendency to seek connections with nature.
There is evidence of the positive affects of biophilic design, enhanced learning, recovery from illness, improved work performance, and satisfying neighborhoods.
Come on a journey from our past and the origins of architecture of life.